Pearls and Ago Bay

The home of pearls, Ago Bay

Shima City, Mie Prefecture is a region that has abundant marine resources. From ancient times, it was referred to as “Miketsukuni” and provided food for the emperor and sacred offerings for the Gods. Ago Bay is situated on the Shima Peninsula of Shima City, Mie Prefecture. The complex coastline with its rias formation and endless island views, such as over Kashikojima, create a beautiful vista. The bay is central to the Ise Shima National Park, which, in 1946, was the first area after the war to be designated a national park. Currently, the coastal zone is called “Satoumi.” It is a place where people and the sea interact, and the abundant natural environment has been preserved. We are also involved in activities to retain and pass on this beautiful and abundant natural environment to future generations.

Ago Bay

Yokoyama Viewing Platform

This spot commands a sweeping view of Ago Bay. The rias coastline and pearl cultivation rafts interweave to create a scene of harmony between nature and people.

Daiozaki Lighthouse

Daiozaki Lighthouse is located on the southeast edge of Shima Peninsula. It is one of the few lighthouses in the country that can be visited. It finished operating as a lighthouse in 2004, but is still popular as a tourist destination where 360 degree grand panoramas can be enjoyed.

Isobuemisaki Viewing Platform

A scenic spot with an unlimited view of The Pacific Ocean and Ago Bay. The sunset from the viewing platform was selected as one of the 100 sunsets in Japan that are a must see. Also, striking the “young yellowtail bell” is said to bring success and good fortune.


A low mountain with an elevation of 110 meters. Climbing to the viewing platform at the summit provides a panoramic view of Ago Bay, the Pacific Ocean and Shima Peninsula. Furthermore, half way up the mountain is a Buddhist monument to the God of Fire erected by Kobo Daishi Kukai who is said to have carved the stone with his nails.


Izawanomiya, also commonly referred to as “Izogu,” is an auxiliary shrine to the inner Shrine of Ise and boasts a particularly high ranking among the 14 auxiliary shrines in existence. It dates back around 2000 years to the rein of the eleventh Suinin Emperor. After Kodai Shrine in Ise was enshrined, it is said that Izawatominomikoto welcomed Yamatohimenomikoto and they created the shrine on this spot. The spirit of Omikami is said to have been enshrined here.


A combined resort that takes up most of Osaki Peninsula which faces Ago Bay. The resort has a golf club and marina. Utilizing its large grounds and the natural environment, it offers experience programs together with field and marine activities.

Goza Shirahama Beach

A beach with white sand and excellent clear water. It was selected as one of 100 great beaches in Japan and is full of beachgoers in the on-season. It is a shallow sloping beach with gentle waves.

Tateishi Shrine and Meotoishi

Tateishi Shrine is a shrine that celebrates the large matching rocks in Tateishi Bay. It appears that the place name Tategami originated from “Tateishi no Kami (God of standing rocks).” The sacred ropes that hang over the large rocks are changed at the end of each year. The old sacred ropes are said to have worth and are divided into small bunches of around one centimeter called “Kazabo.” Rubbing them against the skin is said to be effective against skin disease.

Pearls and Ago Bay